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The beginnings of Cermat Bitola was established as a privately owned company for the production of ice cream in 1995. As a modern European company, it follows the world trends with constant improvement in the art known as ice cream. Cermat continuously presents new products diverse categories such as: frozen fruits and vegetables, puff pastry, frozen fish, dairy and confectionery.

Macedonian successful story started in Bitola, as a family business, today leader among the producers of ice cream and frozen products in the region. Always unique, available, innovative, creative-team - the recognizable formula for success.

The company has a European spirit, a modern way of functioning and a unique lifestyle. Cermat, whose strong point is Innovation in the masterful production of products and commitment to export to the world market, achieves its success thanks to the team that is sincerely committed to continuous development, curiosity and courage in researching and combining tastes and desires of consumers.

Flexibility in making new and unique shapes and flavors, as well as constant high-tech development are just some of the key words that describe the company, which has been in continuous growth and development for 27 years.

Good organization and logistics enable fast and efficient availability of products in the shortest time to all consumers in the region and in EU countries.
When creating and defining the final products, we follow the wishes and needs of business partners and end consumers. 
The production of ice cream for the domestic and world markets takes place in specially controlled conditions, following to all regulations in every part of the production process, packaging and transportation process.
The distribution opportunities are fully covered by over 40 active organizational units for pre-sale and distribution of products on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia, with more than 70 commercial vehicles.